Short Brothers Aviation Pioneers

Sir Alan Cobham Survey Flights from Rochester

Sir Alan Cobham was a globally renowned aviation pioneer who undertook his survey flights from Rochester using aircraft fitted with Shorts made floats or Shorts aircraft.

Sir Alan Cobham was a famous aviation pioneer who pioneered new aircraft concepts and long-distance flight during the interwar years. He undertook the following famous survey flights from the River Medway at Rochester Esplanade using an aircraft fitted with Short Brothers floats and Short Brothers built aircraft.

The purpose of the survey flights was to understand potential routes and landing points that could be used by future commercial air services. Sir Alan Cobham also pioneered air-to-air refuelling using Short Empire Flying boats and operated a “Flying Circus” where his team would visit various locations across Britain undertaking air displays and offering people their first opportunity to fly in an aeroplane.

22 July 1931 – Africa (Congo) Survey Flight (his last survey flight)

Departed Rochester in a Short Valetta (Short Bristol) Seaplane covering a distance of 12,300 miles and returning in September 1931. Part of the route involved flying over the ‘Mountains of the Moon’ to Lake Kivu, 5000 ft above sea level in the Congo, Central Africa.
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