Short Brothers Aviation Pioneers

1917 – 1947

Rochester: 1917 - 1947

Rochester 1926 - 1928 (i)

The investment in the testing tank and the development of long single-stepped metal floats that eliminated the need for tail floats improved the ‘posture’ of seaplanes and led to the next phase of light seaplane aircraft development and the S7 Mussel. Sets of landing gear were produced for both land and water.

SHORT S7 – ‘Mussel’
SHORT S7 – ‘Mussel’

Mussel 1 was intended as a trainer and a machine suitable for use by flying clubs. Eustace Short learnt to fly in this aircraft under the expert tuition of John Lankester Parker.

Eustace went solo in 1927 and continued to fly almost daily. However only two aircraft of this type were ever built.

On April 8th, following a ‘perfect’ landing on the River Medway at Rochester the Mussel II being flown by Eustace continued to taxi until it ran aground on the Medway mud. That was the end of Eustace’s flying career and his life as he was discovered dead at the controls following a heart attack.